Meetings, Workshops
HALO Status Seminar 2025
07 - 09 May 2025
Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
The HALO Status Seminar 2025 will take place in the Paulinum – Assembly Hall and University Church of St. Paul of Leipzig University, Neues Augusteum, 04109 Leipzig from 07 to 09 May. We plan two days (from noon to noon) to present and discuss results of previous HALO missions and plans for the next years.
We invite submission (oral/poster, the call will be issued soon) for the three planned science sessions and contributions for additional topics:
- Aerosols, Clouds, and Precipitation
- Dynamics in the troposphere and lower stratosphere
- Chemical composition transport and transformation
For further planning, we will set up a doodle soon.
There will be no special room contingent. Please make your own choice. We will be in the city center of Leipzig, with many hotels etc. in the vicinity.
Please let us know by email to Anja if you need childcare.
HALO SPP can finance your travel and accommodation costs. If you are interested, please contact Anja.
HALO-South in person Meeting
28/29 January 2025
at TROPOS, Leipzig
For information please contact Stephan Mertes (mertes[at]
CAFE-Pacific Data Workshop
13 – 14 November 2024
Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry (MPI-C), Mainz
For information please contact Joachim Curtius (curtius[at]
PERCUSION Post-campaign Workshop
27 – 28 November 2024, Hamburg
Registration by Monday, 18 November:
The general idea of the workshop is to stay up to date of where we stand, exchange about how to manage the data, work on scientific plans and towards paper skeletons as well as have a look into what’s next.
We will mainly work in smaller breakout groups on the first day in the hope to have fruitful discussions and conclude in the plenary on the second day.
18 – 19 January 2024
Forschungszentrum Jülich
For information please contact Martin Riese (
HALO-(AC)³ Science Workshop
06 – 07 December 2023
in Leipzig, Germany
We are planning a one-day in-person workshop from Wednesday, December 6, at noon to Thursday, December 7, at noon. Scientific talks covering HALO-(AC)³ topics such as warm air intrusions and atmospheric rivers, (collocated) remote sensing and in-situ observations, cold air outbreaks, air mass tracking and atmospheric dynamics, polar low, cirrus over/and sea ice, observations at Ny-Alesund, and other HALO-(AC)³-related topics will be presented.
We look forward to seeing you in Leipzig.
Please forward this information to anyone who might be interested.
HALO Symposium 2023
HALO Status Seminar + Mission Planning Workshop
07 - 09 November 2023
DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, Weßling, Germany
The HALO Symposium 2023 will take place at DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, from 07 to 09 November and will consist of the HALO Status Seminar 2023 and the planning workshop for new HALO missions proposed from 2026 onwards (see call!). We are planning three days to present and discuss results of previous HALO missions and plans for the future scientific use of HALO.
We invite submission (oral/poster see call) for the three planned science sessions and contributions for additional topics:
- Aerosols, Clouds, and Precipitation
- Dynamics in the troposphere and lower stratosphere
- Chemical composition transport and transformation
For further planning and to get access to the DLR site, we kindly ask you to register by September 18 stating your name, institution and nationality (please click here). Feel free to indicate the (tentative) title of your contribution in the comments below the table.
Symposium Dinner
On Wednesday, November 8, evening, there will be the hosted Symposium Dinner in Seehof Herrsching. Please tick your participation in the dinner when registering. A shuttle bus will be ordered for the transfer.
There is a call-off contingent in the Courtyard by Marriott Oberpfaffenhofen Munich South. Last day to book: Monday, September 25, 2023.
Please let us know soon by email to Mareike and Anja if you need childcare.
There is the possibility to receive financial support for travel and accommodation costs within the framework of a travel grant. If you are interested, please contact Anja.
HALO-(AC)³ Science Workshop
09 – 11 May 2023
in Leipzig, Germany
Please register by Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at and include the (tentative) title of your contribution in the comments below the table or email it to Anja Schwarz ( We look forward to seeing you in Leipzig.
Please forward this information to anyone who might be interested.
First HALO-(AC)³ Science Workshop
14 – 15 July 2022
in Hamburg
Scientific talks or posters covering HALO-(AC)³ topics like warm air intrusions and atmospheric rivers, collocated remote sensing and in-situ observations, cold air outbreaks, air mass tracking and atmospheric dynamics, polar low, cirrus over/and sea ice or observations at Ny-Alesund will be presented.
Please contact for more details.
CIRRUS-HL Workshop
2/3 December 2021
HALO-(AC)³ Workshop
23/24 November 2021, ONLINE
It is planned to have a final bigger workshop on the upcoming HALO-(AC)³ campaign scheduled for March/April 2022. Of course, if the situation does not allow a meeting in person, the meeting will be in hybrid or fully online form.
The workshop will focus on open scientific questions, exchange, and logistics.
There are some options for the venue, but to fix one of them it is needed to know how many participants will show up. Therefore, please register by 10 October by filling out the form
Please contact Anja Schwarz for the meeting link!
Update: 27 July 2021
HALO Status Colloquium 2021
14-15 September 2021Online
Please register for the HALO Status Colloquium via e-mail to by 6 September 2021.
The next HALO status colloquium will summarize scientific results obtained in the last years of measurements with the research aircraft HALO. Furthermore, HALO campaigns, scheduled within the coming years, will be introduced. The HALO status colloquium 2021 will be a two-day online meeting. The first day, 14 September 2021, is structured into three scientific sessions with invited talks. The second day, 15 September 2021, is open for interactive communication during two poster sessions and breakout groups. Posters will be grouped into the scientific sessions listed below.
I Aerosols, Clouds, and Precipitation
II Transport and Dynamics in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere, Atmospheric Coupling Processes
III Transport and Transformation of Chemical Composition
X Further Topics
For the breakout sessions we have scheduled 45 minutes in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon on 15 September. Please contact by 6 September 2021 for the organization of the breakout groups to discuss special topics or plan upcoming missions.
We are looking forward to you.
Many thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Manfred, Joachim, Jörg, and Anja.
CIRRUS-HL General Meeting
30 March 2021
The CIRRUS-HL mission will deploy from Oberpfaffenhofen in June and early July 2021.Risks and safety concerns are too high in any other place and will disturb mission planning. We will perform single and double flights in order to reach the high latitudes and also have a focus on airtraffic in mid-latitudes. We will concentrate the flight planning on this scenario.
Preliminary Agenda for the General Meeting
9:00-9:30 Update Mission Status (FX/PA)
9:30-11:00 Short Presentations (1 Slide) on specific science goals and related measurement strategy from each experiment and modelling team for CIRRUS-HL. (Please send a slide in advance)
11:00-11:30 Break
11:30-12:30 CIRRUS-HL Forecast and Flight planning (Forecast team, PA et al.)
4th NAWDEX Workshop
8 and 9 March 2021
The 4th NAWDEX workshop will be held online. We will discuss ongoing work in the NAWDEX community, the scientific merit of the campaign up till now and ways to proceed the campaign analysis. If you wish to participate please get in contact with
Topical Workshop: "Transport and transformation of pollutants from European and Asian Major population centres (TEAM-4)"
17 - 19 December 2019
University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
A fourth topical workshop “Transport and transformation of pollutants from European and Asian Major population centres: TEAM-4” will start on Tuesday the 17.12.2019 at 10:00 h and finish on Thursday 19.12.2019 around 17 h. Further details will be distributed soon. Please visit
HALO Conference 2019
16-18 October 2019,
DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, Weßling, Germany
The next HALO Conference will take place at DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, between 16 and 18 October 2019. The meeting will consist of three parts: (1) the HALO Status Seminar, completed by (2) a planning workshop for new HALO missions scheduled for 2022-2025, and (3) a meeting on future investment proposals for HALO in the morning of day three.
The tentativ agenda can be found here, but without any names written on it due to the General Data Protection Regulation. Details will be distributed soon by e-mail.
(1) Contributions for the HALO Status Seminar 2019 are already assigned.
(2) The call for proposals for new HALO missions 2022-2025 is open at
(3) Proposals for the advancement of the scientific and technical infrastructure of HALO were already submitted.
Please register for the HALO Status Seminar via e-mail to, stating your name, institution and nationality. Please also indicate whether you will participate at the Mission Planning Workshop and/or the workshop for the HALO infrastructure.
Reservations for the special room contingent of the Bavaria Motel Clarita-Bernhard-Str. 8, 81249 München were possible until 10 September. We will arrange a shuttle bus to and from DLR. Please let us know for which transfers you would like to use it.
Further information will follow. In case of any questions please contact Anja Schwarz ( or Jörg Schmidt (
Extensive EUREC4A preparation workshop
24 - 26 September 2019
Paris, France
Topical Workshop: "Transport and transformation of pollutants from European and Asian Major population centres (TEAM-3)"
12 - 14 February 2019
University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
A third topical workshop “Transport and transformation of pollutants from European and Asian Major population centres: TEAM-3” took place in Bremen between 12 and 14 February 2019. For further details about the agenda please visit
Topical Workshop: "Coal Mine Methane (CMM) Measurements during CoMet"
09 - 11 January 2019
Zakopane, Poland, Hotel Wersal
The organizing committee of the Topical Workshop on „Coal Mine Methane (CMM) measurements during CoMet” invited to topics focusing on the CoMet related measurements in Poland, and the corresponding data evaluation and modeling of the campaign period. In particular, preliminary results and work in progress was highly appreciated since the workshop was intended to give an overview over the unique data set and modeling activities, and to identify topics where different groups (instrumental and modeling, different platforms, etc.) can join forces. Time was used for discussions to foster bi- or multilateral cooperation.
For more information please contact Andreas Fix (
CIRRUS-HL Kick-off Science Workshop
22 November 2018, 13:00 - 23 November 2018, 13:00
DLR, Institute of Atmospheric Physics (Building 120, Room 003), Oberpfaffenhofen, Muenchener Str. 20, 82234 Wessling, Germany
The scope of this meeting is to present scientific topics and interests of the partners, to discuss the instrumentation and flight strategy required to address those topics, forecast, links to satellites and ground stations, modeling activities, and international cooperations. On the second day, we will form topic groups on specific research questions and define responsabilities for the CIRRUS-HL white book. The CIRRUS-HL white book will then be written in the next months and provide a science base for submission of proposals to DFG within the SPP HALO in 2019.
Topical Workshop: 2nd Young Researcher NARVAL-II Synergy Workshop
14 - 16 November 2018
University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Developers of Global Climate Models (GCM) / Numerical Weather Prediction Models (NWP) and observationalists are two groups dealing with the overall topic of atmospheric physics but tend to live in two different worlds, hence, regarding the same thing through two different pair of glasses. By that, the interaction between the two groups is limited but also offers the possibility to enlarge the total perspective of describing the Earth atmosphere better.
Therefore, the 2 nd Young Researcher NARVAL-II synergy Workshop, a Topical HALO Workshop, was initiated. It took place at the University of Cologne from the 14 th to the 16 th November 2018, being gratefully funded by the HALO SPP 1942 of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Cologne Graduate School of Geosciences (GSGS). It offered 13 young researches the chance to meet each other, share ideas and to develop new approaches for joint working groups.
During the preparation phase, approximately one month before the Workshop, individual topics of each person were collected, which should be discussed during the meeting.
The first day of the workshop started with an introduction of the participants, explaining their scientific interest and background, their working topic, and the expectations on the meeting. Following the list of collected topics the most urgent issues on the list were selected and a working plan for the following days was created.
It showed quickly, that modelers and observationalists have unrealistic expectations. While measurement uncertainties were underestimated by the modelling community, the possible model quantities did not fit to the quantities measured by the instruments of the experimentalists. As a first conclusion the need for a comprehensive HALO remote sensing forward operator arised. By that, HALO would virtually fly through the weather model providing simulated quantities which can be directly compared with the observations gather from the real flights of HALO.
In course of the second day an overview was developed, listing the most important quantities which should be investigated, starting from water vapor, rain water content, and the cloud phase. These are one of the most uncertain parameters in GCM but simultaneously the most influencing.
In the second part of day two, interactive sessions followed, where individual groups of two to four participants worked on specific problems, like cloud detection by different active and passive remote sensing instruments and the representativeness of these observations for the model.
The third day was mainly determined by presenting and discussing the results of the individual working groups. At the end, everyone formulated their personally most important take-home message.
As a result of the workshop modelers and observationalists are now much more aware of possible problems and are able to consider the aspects of models and measurements in the model-setup, their simulations, and the construction of new instruments.
Nevertheless, the workshop also provided a fantastic chance to get familiar with each other in a way that could never be established just by mail and phone.
Topical Workshop on Ice crystal concentrations: measurements, retrievals, sensitivities
19 - 21 September 2018, Bibliotheca Albertina, University of Leipzig
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
General Assembly 2018, 8 - 13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria
Apply for 2018 ARM Summer Training Event
Calling all graduate students and early career scientists!
The second ARM Summer Training and Science Applications event on observations and modeling of clouds and precipitation will take place July 14 to 21, 2018. The training will be held at the National Weather Center in Norman, Oklahoma.
Deadline to apply is March 30, 2018.
Sponsored by the ARM Climate Research Facility to support the next generation of atmospheric scientists, this training will cater to graduate students and early career scientists (within four years of receiving their PhD) who are interested in observations and modeling of aerosols and cloud and precipitation processes.
The summer training will provide theoretical and practical instruction on the application of ground-based observations from a wide array of active and passive sensors and will encourage innovative methods for using ARM facilities to address complex scientific inquiries.
Selected participants will have their accommodation expenses covered by the ARM Facility.
Read more about the topics that will be covered during the event.
Topical Workshop on the Processes and Composition of the UTLS
The workshop will be held from 7.-8. March 2018 at the JUFA Hotel in Jülich.
The goal of the topical workshop is to give a summary of the current research on the processes affecting the composition of the UTLS on the basis of the recent HALO missions. Key factors identified so far are the role of the Asian monsoon system, the role of the decaying vortex and processes at the extratropical tropopause as well as isentropic mixing at the jets. The meeting will identify gaps of current understanding to organize the next research steps. The results will particularly be used to sharpen the focus of upcoming UTLS HALO missions (SOUTHTRAC).
Specifically it is planned to give an overview of the scientific results from the HALO missions focusing on UTLS specific topics, which cover specifically aspects between the chemical composition and dynamics in the UTLS (TACTS/ESMVal, POLSTRACC/SALSA/GW Lifecycle, WISE, ...).
It is further planned to develop research strategies and concepts for future HALO missions. This may include joint or coordinated missions with other airborne platforms or satellite and model activities.
Topcial Workshop NAWDEX, LMU München, 28 Feburary - 2 March 2018
Annual HALO-SPP Status Seminar: 14 - 16 February 2018, Universität Leipzig
The coordinators of the SPP 1294, invite you to participate in the HALO-SPP Status Seminar taking place in Leipzig, 14 – 16 February 2018. The meeting will begin on 14 February 2018 at 1 pm and end at 16 February 2018 around noon. It will take place at the Paulinum and the Seminar Building of the University of Leipzig, Augustusplatz 10 (Campus am Augustusplatz), downtown Leipzig. Please find the detailed agenda above.
Please confirm your participation in the HALO-SPP status seminar by e-mail until January, 3 2018.
Call for Proposals: Young Researcher Best HALO-Paper Award
Topical Workshop: Universität Bremen, 14 - 16 November 2017
A second topical workshop “Transport and transformation of pollutants from European and Asian Major population centres: TEAM-2” will be organised within the DFG HALO-SPP 1294 and hosted by the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen on the 14 th-16 th November 2017.
As in the first topical workshop within EMeRGe, TEAM-2 intends to put together the European and Asian EMeRGe community to prepare the next experimental phase in Asia and to coordinate different planned complementary activities within EMeRGe international. The first day sessions will be dedicated to provide an overview of the data obtained and the lessons learnt from the campaign in Europe July 2017.
The participation of more than 40 scientists from the EMeRGe community in Germany, Great Britain, China, Japan and Taiwan are expected. The final agenda will be soon distributed.
Topical Workshop "Scientific exploitation of the combined HALO/FAAM/Falcon flight during the NAWDEX campaign 2016"
16 - 17 November 2017 Universität Hamburg |
EUFAR: 10 - 13 July 2017 |
2nd International Conference on Airborne Research for the Environment |
International Workshop "Airborne Geodesy and Geophysics with Focus on Polar Application" (Report)
19 to 21 April 2017, TU Dresden | Airborne platforms help answer questions in polar geosciences |
First HALO Symposium
Airborne Research with HALO: Achievements and Prospects
14 - 16 March 2017 | DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen
The symposium began with a press event on the morning of 14 March. Afterwards, a scientific conference was held with almost 100 attendees. About 70 presentations were given (4 keynote talks, 41 oral presenatations, 24 poster presentations). The contributions were arranged in four sessions, based on the research areas of HALO.
Session A: Aerosols, Clouds and Precipitation
Session B: Transport and Dynamics in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere, Atmospheric Coupling Processes
Session C: Transport and Transformation of Chemical Composition: Multiphase and Photochemical Processing
Session D: Geodesy and Geophysics
NAWDEX and W2W Topical Workshop
8 - 10 March 2017, LMU Munich
Topical workshop "Transport and transformation of pollutants from European and Asian Major population centres (TEAM)"
14 - 16 February 2017, Bremen
CoMet Topical Workshop | |
30 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2016 | |
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen |
CoMet is a mission to collect (active and passive) remote sensing and in-situ data from aircraft in order to gain new knowledge on the distribution and temporal variation of the two most important anthropogenic greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane. These findings will help to better understand the global carbon cycle and its influence on climate. This airborne campaign using the German research aircraft HALO and small Cessna aircraft will take place in spring of 2017 in Europe.
The goal of the workshop is to bring together the mission participants and national and international experts from various fields related to the global carbon cycle both with a theoretical and experimental background for the benefit of the scientific data to be collected.
The workshop is expected to strengthen the link between the CoMet mission and the international greenhouse gas research communities.
HALO Colloquium |
19 - 20 September 2016 |
Presentation of new HALO missions for the time period 2019-2022. |